Dog paintings
Our Dalmation Noppes and our Stabyhoun Friesje were the models for this painting. They are both captured twice, with our cat Kareltje at the top. 100 x 100 cm, acrylic paint on canvas.
Our Dalmation Noppes and our Stabyhoun Friesje were the models for this painting. They are both captured twice, with our cat Kareltje at the top. 100 x 100 cm, acrylic paint on canvas.
Spittaalstraat 92
7201 EE Zutphen
T: 06 24 61 15 18
Donderdagmiddag van 13.00 – 17.00 uur
Vrijdagmiddag van 13.00 – 17.00 uur
en op afspraak.